Primes that appear in the sequence p:=x^2+x+1, sieved with a quadratic sieve construction.

%I #17 Dec 18 2017 03:00:44

%S 3,7,13,7,31,43,19,73,13,37,19,157,61,211,241,307,127,421,463,79,601,

%T 31,37,757,271,67,331,151,1123,397,97,43,67,1483,223,547,1723,139,631,

%U 283,109,103,61,181,2551,379,919,409,2971,79,103,3307,163,3541,523,97,3907

%N Primes that appear in the sequence p:=x^2+x+1, sieved with a quadratic sieve construction.

%C This sequence appears in a website available on web.archive (see Quadratic Sieve Construction link). There is a single appearance of the first term 3, while all other primes appear twice. See A256148 for a version of the sequence consistent with the current version of the website where each prime appears only once. - _Ray Chandler_, Jul 05 2015

%H Bernhard Helmes, <a href="http://www.devalco.de/quadr_Sieb_x%5E2+x+1.php">Prime sieving on the polynomial f(n)=n^2+n+1</a>.

%H Bernhard Helmes, <a href="http://web.archive.org/web/20050407001733/http://www.devalco.de/quadratisches_Siebverfahren.htm">Quadratic Sieve Construction</a> (web.archive).

%o (MuPAD) // from Quadratic Sieve Construction link.

%o liste_max:=10000;

%o for x from 1 to liste_max do

%o liste_x[x]:=x^2+x+1;

%o liste_prim[x]:=1;

%o end_for;

%o x:=1;

%o while (x<liste_max) do

%o stelle:=x;

%o p:=liste_x[x];

%o if (p>1) then

%o print ("Prim ", p, "x = ", x, isprime (p)) ;

%o // Aussiebung

%o while (stelle<liste_max) do

%o erg:=liste_x[stelle];

%o while (erg mod p = 0) do

%o erg:=erg /p;

%o end_while;

%o liste_x[stelle]:=erg;

%o liste_prim[stelle]:=0;

%o // print ("x= ",stelle, erg, p);

%o stelle:=stelle+p;

%o end_while;

%o end_if;

%o x:=x+1;

%o end_while;

%o // _Ray Chandler_, Jul 05 2015

%Y Cf. A002061, A002383, A007645, A162471, A256148.

%K nonn,uned,obsc

%O 1,1

%A Bernhard Helmes (pi(AT)devalco.de), Jun 24 2005