%I #10 Sep 04 2022 11:01:57
%S 102301,420029,579017,1440037,1725079,2541043,3116039,3250067,3343097,
%T 3512053,3512057,5920043,5920049,5920069,5971061,7816009,9675013,
%U 9675037,10102289,11201039,13642003,14304029,14671039,18320111,18998101
%N Largest prime of the set of six consecutive primes whose sum of digits is a set of six distinct primes.
%H Harvey P. Dale, <a href="/A106814/b106814.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..250</a>
%e a(1)=102301 is a term because sum of digits of six consecutive primes i.e., (102251, 102253, 102259, 102293, 102299, 102301), whose sum of digits (i.e., 11, 13, 19, 17, 23, 7) is a set of six distinct primes.
%t sdpQ[lst_]:=Module[{sod=Total[IntegerDigits[#]]&/@lst},Length[Union[sod]] == 6 && AllTrue[sod,PrimeQ]]; Transpose[Select[Partition[Prime[Range[ 1250000]], 6,1],sdpQ]][[6]] (* The program uses the AllTrue function from Mathematica version 10 *) (* _Harvey P. Dale_, Aug 11 2014 *)
%K base,nonn
%O 1,1
%A _Shyam Sunder Gupta_, May 18 2005