Integers are written in the form abcd...n where "a" means "At position a in this integer there is a digit b"; "b" means: "at position b there is a digit c"; "c" means: "at position c there is a digit d"; ... and "n" means nothing. No repetitions are allowed (like in the integer 111).

%I #4 Mar 31 2012 13:46:51

%S 11,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,212,230,231,232,233,234,235,236,237,

%T 238,239,322,2312,2340,2341,2342,2343,2344,2345,2346,2347,2348,2349,

%U 2433,4323,23412,23450,23451,23452,23453,23454,23455,23456,23457,23458

%N Integers are written in the form abcd...n where "a" means "At position a in this integer there is a digit b"; "b" means: "at position b there is a digit c"; "c" means: "at position c there is a digit d"; ... and "n" means nothing. No repetitions are allowed (like in the integer 111).

%H Manfred Arens <a href="http://www.untexte.de/mathematik/zahlen.htm">Selbstbezuegliche Zahlen vom Typ 2</a>

%e Integer 2433 reads like this:

%e "At position 2 there is a digit 4" -- which is true;

%e "At position 4 there is a digit 3" -- which is true again;

%e "At position 3 there is a digit 3" -- which is also true.

%K base,easy,nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Eric Angelini_, Apr 28 2005