%I #4 Oct 07 2016 09:57:20
%S 9,12,27,19,24,43,36,74,43,48,60,72,62,67,72,79,92,86,91,108,104,112,
%T 110,115,122,152,129,134,143,146,164,153,158,171,171,179,177,182,189,
%U 202,196,201,210,213,246,220,225,257,238,244,244,249,256,266,263,268
%N Smallest m such that 4 is at the n-th position of the decimal representation of the m-th Fibonacci number.
%C A105714(n) = A000045(a(n)).
%H Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, <a href="http://mathworld.wolfram.com/FibonacciNumber.html">Fibonacci Number</a>
%e n=3: a(3)=19, A000045(19)=A105710(3)=4181->[4]181;
%e n=4: a(4)=24, A000045(24)=A105710(4)=46368->[4]6368.
%Y Cf. A105701, A072354, A105702, A105703, A105705, A105706, A105707, A105708, A105709.
%K nonn,base
%O 0,1
%A _Reinhard Zumkeller_, Apr 18 2005