Next available number such that the last digit of n and the first digit of n+1 sum to 4.

%I #1 Feb 20 2005 03:00:00

%S 1,3,10,40,41,30,11,31,32,2,20,42,21,33,12,22,23,13,100,43,101,300,

%T 400,401,301,302,200,402,201,303,103,202,203,103,110,403,111,310,410,

%U 411,311,312,210,412,211,313,112,212,213,113,120,413,121,320,420,421,321

%N Next available number such that the last digit of n and the first digit of n+1 sum to 4.

%Y Cf. A098425.

%K base,easy,nonn

%O 1,2

%A Kari Lajunen (Kari.Lajunen(AT)Welho.com), Nov 11 2004