Frequency of the hexadecimal 6 in the first 10^n hexadecimal digits of Pi.

%I #6 Sep 20 2023 05:42:51

%S 1,6,71,646,6287,62545,625489,6251102,62501242,624989166,6250025693,

%T 62499925426

%N Frequency of the hexadecimal 6 in the first 10^n hexadecimal digits of Pi.

%t $MaxPrecision = 1100000; ph = Drop[ RealDigits[Pi, 16, 5*10^5] [[1]], 1]; Table[ Count[ Take[ph, 10^n], 6], {n, 5}]

%Y Cf. A000796, A062964, A099333, A099334, A099335, A099336, A099337, A099338, A099340, A099341, A099342, A099343, A099344, A099345, A099346, A099347, A099348.

%K base,nonn,more

%O 1,2

%A _Robert G. Wilson v_, Oct 12 2004