a(n) = sum[i=1,n](i-th prime of Erdős-Selfridge classification i+). Cumulative sums of A101253.

%I #11 Jan 03 2013 12:39:31

%S 2,21,134,751,2628,11381,63898,318941,1851114,11138635,59638094,

%T 413291157,2550007678,20721795665,132517178106

%N a(n) = sum[i=1,n](i-th prime of Erdős-Selfridge classification i+). Cumulative sums of A101253.

%C The cumulative sums of the diagonalization of the set of sequences {j-th prime of Erdős-Selfridge classification k+}. The diagonalization itself is in A101253. a(1) = 2 and a(4) = 751 are primes. a(2) = 21 = 3 * 7, a(3) = 134 = 2 * 67; and a(6) = 11381 = 19 * 599 are semiprime. There are only 2 distinct digits in the greatest factor of a(10) = 11138635 = 5 * 2227727. The cumulative sums of the diagonalization of the related set of sequences {j-th prime of Erdős-Selfridge classification k-} is A101254. That n- diagonalization itself is in A101231.

%e a(11) = 59638094 = 2 * 29 * 1028243 = 2+19+113+617+1877+8753+52517+255043+1532173+9287521+48499459

%Y Cf. A101253, A101254, A101231.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Jonathan Vos Post_, Dec 19 2004

%E More terms from _David Wasserman_, Mar 26 2008