%I #6 May 12 2023 21:37:29
%S 1,5,4,9,0,8,6,7,2,3,18,11,91,81,41,71,51,31,61,21,90,95,85,45,75,55,
%T 35,65,25,15,94,84,44,74,54,34,64,24,80,14,40,70,50,99,89,49,79,59,39,
%U 69,29,19,98,88,48,78,58,38,68,28,96,86,46,76,56,36,66,26,16,17,97,87,47,77,57,37,67,27,10,12,92,82,42,72,52,32,62,22,30,93,83,43,73,53,33,63,23,60,13,20
%N Arrange 1-digit numbers in Danish in alphabetical order, then 2-digit numbers, then 3-digit numbers etc.
%e 1="en", 5="fem", 4="fire", 9="ni", 0="nul", 8="otte", 6="seks", 7="syv", 2="to", 3="tre",
%K easy,nonn,word,base
%O 1,2
%A Colin Backhurst (colin.backhurst(AT)ntlworld.com), Sep 21 2004
%E Corrected and extended to all 2-digit numbers by _Sean A. Irvine_, May 12 2023