
Year-end appeal: Please make a donation to the OEIS Foundation to support ongoing development and maintenance of the OEIS. We are now in our 61st year, we have over 378,000 sequences, and we’ve reached 11,000 citations (which often say “discovered thanks to the OEIS”).

Numbers whose divisors can be permuted so that all sums of triple adjacent divisors are primes.

%I #27 Nov 08 2024 08:37:20

%S 4,8,9,10,12,14,15,16,20,21,24,25,26,27,28,33,34,35,36,38,39,40,44,45,

%T 52,55,56,57,58,60,63,65,68,75,76,77,81,84,85,86,88,92,93,99,100,104,

%U 105,111,115,117,119,123,124,125,129,132,135,136,140,143,145,147

%N Numbers whose divisors can be permuted so that all sums of triple adjacent divisors are primes.

%C Square of terms of A053182 are in this sequence. - _Michel Marcus_, May 08 2014

%C From _Amiram Eldar_, Nov 08 2024: (Start)

%C The possible values of the number of even divisors of even terms of this sequence is restricted by the number of odd divisors.

%C Let k be a term and d_odd(k) = A001227(k) and d_even(k) = A183063 be its number of odd divisors and number of even divisors, respectively. When k is even, in a valid permutation of its divisors there must be two even divisors between two odd divisors, at most 2 before the first odd divisor, and at most 2 after the last odd divisor.

%C Therefore, d_even(k) - 2*(d_odd(k) - 1) <= 4. Let d(k) = A000005(k) = d_odd(k) + d_even(k), and let e = A007814(k) and m = A000265(k). Then, k = 2^e * m, d(k) = (e+1) * d(m) = (e+1) * d_odd(k), so d_even(k) = e * d_odd(k), and |e-2| * d_odd(k) <= 2.

%C If m = 1, then d_odd(k) = 1 and e <= 4, so 16 = 2^4 is the largest power of 2 in this sequence.

%C If m = p is a prime, then d_odd(k) = 2 and e <= 3, and therefore only terms of the form 2*p, 4*p or 8*p are possible. 2*p is a term if and only if p is a term of A106067.

%C If m is composite, then d_odd(k) > 2 and e <= 2, and therefore k is not divisible by 8. (End)

%H Amiram Eldar, <a href="/A096529/b096529.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..74</a>

%F A096527(a(n)) > 0.

%e Divisors of 24 are {1,2,3,4,6,8,12,24}: [2,8,3,12,4,1,24,6] -> (2+8+3,8+3+12,3+12+4,12+4+1,4+1+24,1+24+6) = (13,23,19,17,29,31): therefore 24 is a term.

%o (PARI) isok(p) = {my(n = #p); if(n < 3, return(0)); for(k = 1, n-2, if(!isprime(p[k]+p[k+1]+p[k+2]), return(0))); 1;}

%o is2(n) = {my(d = divisors(n)); forperm(d, p, if(isok(p), return(1))); 0;}

%o is1(k) = {my(e = valuation(k,2), o = k >> e); (e == 0) || (o == 1 && e <= 4) || (abs(e-2) * numdiv(o) <= 2);}

%o is(k) = is1(k) && is2(k); \\ _Amiram Eldar_, Nov 08 2024

%Y Complement of A096530.

%Y Cf. A053182, A096527.

%Y Cf. A000005, A000265, A001227, A007814, A106067, A183063.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Reinhard Zumkeller_, Jun 23 2004

%E a(30)-a(51) from _Michel Marcus_, May 03 2014

%E a(52) onwards from _Amiram Eldar_, Nov 08 2024