(Concatenation of first n primes) modulo prime(n).

%I #9 May 30 2018 12:31:35

%S 0,2,0,5,3,7,15,16,21,27,7,11,17,21,37,7,28,10,50,70,70,23,46,20,76,

%T 93,81,52,1,58,87,54,100,128,39,10,117,16,42,89,98,61,135,123,13,89,

%U 201,147,124,176,186,202,71,74,256,228,137,84,145

%N (Concatenation of first n primes) modulo prime(n).

%H Harvey P. Dale, <a href="/A095245/b095245.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 0..1000</a>

%e The concatenation of the first 3 primes is 235. The third prime is 5. Therefore a(3) = 235 mod 5 = 0.

%t a = {2}; b = {0}; For[n = 2, n < 100, n++, a = Flatten[Join[a, IntegerDigits[ Prime[n]]] ]; AppendTo[b, Mod[FromDigits[a], Prime[n]]]]; b

%t Table[Mod[FromDigits[Flatten[IntegerDigits/@Prime[Range[n]]]],Prime[n]],{n,60}] (* _Harvey P. Dale_, May 30 2018 *)

%Y Cf. A095243.

%K base,nonn,less

%O 0,2

%A _Amarnath Murthy_, Jun 17 2004

%E Edited, corrected and extended by _Stefan Steinerberger_, Jun 26 2007