Coefficients of polynomial in x multiplying sinh(x) in the modified spherical Bessel function of the first kind i_n(x).

%I #11 May 06 2020 05:36:22

%S 1,-1,1,0,3,-6,0,-15,1,0,45,0,105,-15,0,-420,0,-945,1,0,210,0,4725,0,

%T 10395,-28,0,-3150,0,-62370,0,-135135,1,0,630,0,51975,0,945945,0,

%U 2027025,-45,0,-13860,0,-945945,0,-16216200,0,-34459425,1,0,1485,0,315315,0,18918900,0

%N Coefficients of polynomial in x multiplying sinh(x) in the modified spherical Bessel function of the first kind i_n(x).

%e sinh(x)/x, (x*cosh(x) - sinh(x))/x^2, (-3*x*cosh(x) + (3 + x^2)*sinh(x))/x^3, ...

%e Triangle begins:

%e 1;

%e -1;

%e 1, 0, 3;

%e -6, 0, -15;

%e 1, 0, 45, 0, 105;

%e -15, 0, -420, 0, -945;

%e ...

%Y Cf. A094675.

%K sign,tabf

%O 0,5

%A _Eric W. Weisstein_, May 19 2004

%E Keyword tabf from _Michel Marcus_, May 06 2020