Number of prime pairs below 10^n having a difference of 22.

%I #11 Aug 14 2018 20:59:33

%S 0,0,0,16,223,2172,19451,175945,1569679,13954281,124059643,1105634145,

%T 9888091790,88792328084,800651549083,7249252855793,65896837322878,

%U 601279985076759

%N Number of prime pairs below 10^n having a difference of 22.

%H Siegfried "Zig" Herzog, <a href="http://zigherzog.net/primes/index.html#compare">Frequency of Occurrence of Prime Gaps</a>

%H T. Oliveira e Silva, S. Herzog, and S. Pardi, <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1090/S0025-5718-2013-02787-1">Empirical verification of the even Goldbach conjecture and computation of prime gaps up to 4.10^18</a>, Math. Comp., 83 (2014), 2033-2060.

%e a(4) = 16 because there are 16 prime gaps of 22 below 10^4.

%Y Cf. A007508, A093745, A093747.

%K nonn,more

%O 1,4

%A _Enoch Haga_, Apr 15 2004

%E a(10)-a(13) from _Washington Bomfim_, Jun 22 2012

%E a(14)-a(18) from S. Herzog's website added by _Giovanni Resta_, Aug 14 2018