Decimal expansion of (-3*sqrt(3)+4*Pi)/6.

%I #14 Oct 01 2022 00:33:33

%S 1,2,2,8,3,6,9,6,9,8,6,0,8,7,5,6,8,4,5,5,4,4,7,0,5,7,5,1,4,3,3,3,9,9,

%T 0,7,2,6,6,0,0,4,3,6,3,9,3,4,4,8,8,0,2,3,3,2,8,8,7,2,6,2,3,8,4,7,9,2,

%U 4,4,4,2,9,0,6,9,7,3,9,3,1,3,8,7,8,1,1,6,7,9,0,1,8,2,7,8,7,0,9,0,8,1

%N Decimal expansion of (-3*sqrt(3)+4*Pi)/6.

%C Area of the vesica piscis, i.e., the area common to two overlapping unit circles with offset equal to the circle's radii.

%H Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, <a href="http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Lens.html">Lens</a>

%H Wikipedia, <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vesica_piscis">Vesica piscis</a>

%H <a href="/index/Tra#transcendental">Index entries for transcendental numbers</a>

%e 1.22836969...

%t RealDigits[(-3Sqrt[3]+4\[Pi])/6,10,150][[1]] (* _Harvey P. Dale_, Mar 20 2011 *)

%K nonn,cons

%O 1,2

%A _Eric W. Weisstein_, Apr 14 2004