Reminder: The OEIS is hiring a new managing editor, and the application deadline is January 26.
n | a(n) |
1 | 0 |
2 | 498 |
3 | 5882 |
4 | 2205880 |
5 | 55566444 |
6 | 77170177870877 |
7 | 550000588000083300003 |
8 | 99999984 |
9 | 888848044666636033 |
10 | 9999999968 |
11 | 444444404046666666060699999990909 |
12 | 77777777077077777777077 |
13 | 111111111001133333333300339999999990099 |
14 | 5555555550055033333333300330 |
[0,498,5882,2205880,55566444,77170177870877, 550000588000083300003,99999984,888848044666636033, 9999999968,444444404046666666060699999990909, 77777777077077777777077, 111111111001133333333300339999999990099, 5555555550055033333333300330] |