Time wave sequence of Terrance McKenna.
0, 0, 0, 2, 7, 4, 3, 2, 6, 8, 13, 5, 26, 25, 24, 15, 13, 16, 14, 19, 17, 24, 20, 25, 63, 60, 56, 55, 47, 53, 36, 38, 39, 43, 39, 35, 22, 24, 22, 21, 29, 30, 27, 26, 26, 21, 23, 19, 57, 62, 61, 55, 57, 57, 35, 50, 40, 29, 28, 26, 50, 51, 52, 61, 60, 60, 42, 42, 43, 43, 42, 41, 45
The idea that time is experienced as a series of identifiable elements in flux is highly developed in the I Ching. Indeed the temporal modeling of the I Ching offers an extremely well-developed alternative to the "flat-duration" point of view. The I Ching views time as a finite number of distinct and irreducible elements, in the same way that the chemical elements compose the world of matter. For the Taoist sages of pre-Han China time was composed of sixty-four irreducible elements. It is upon relations among these sixty-four elements that I have sought to erect a new model of time that incorporates the idea of the conservation of novelty and still recognizes time as a process of becoming.
The arrangement of the hexagrams of the I Ching is the King Wen Sequence.
The formula for the values w[0], w[1], ..., w[383], the 384 "data points" which lie at the heart of the entire timewave construction, can be expressed in Maple as follows:
h[0]:=3; h[1]:=6; h[2]:=2; h[3]:=4; h[4]:=4; h[5]:=4; h[6]:=3; h[7]:=2; h[8]:=4; h[9]:=2; h[10]:=4; h[11]:=6; h[12]:=2; h[13]:=2; h[14]:=4; h[15]:=2; h[16]:=2; h[17]:=6; h[18]:=3; h[19]:=4; h[20]:=3; h[21]:=2; h[22]:=2; h[23]:=2; h[24]:=3; h[25]:=4; h[26]:=2; h[27]:=6; h[28]:=2; h[29]:=6; h[30]:=3; h[31]:=2; h[32]:=3; h[33]:=4; h[34]:=4; h[35]:=4; h[36]:=2; h[37]:=4; h[38]:=6; h[39]:=4; h[40]:=3; h[41]:=2; h[42]:=4; h[43]:=2; h[44]:=3; h[45]:=4; h[46]:=3; h[47]:=2; h[48]:=3; h[49]:=4; h[50]:=4; h[51]:=4; h[52]:=1; h[53]:=6; h[54]:=2; h[55]:=2; h[56]:=3; h[57]:=4; h[58]:=3; h[59]:=2; h[60]:=1; h[61]:=6; h[62]:=3; h[63]:=6; h[64]:=3;
w[k] := abs( ((-1)^trunc((k-1)/32))* (h[k-1 mod 64] - h[k-2 mod 64] +h[ -k mod 64] - h[1-k mod 64]) + 3*((-1)^trunc((k-3)/96))* (h[trunc(k/3)-1 mod 64] - h[trunc(k/3)-2 mod 64] + h[ -trunc(k/3) mod 64] - h[1-trunc(k/3) mod 64]) + 6*((-1)^trunc((k-6)/192))* (h[trunc(k/6)-1 mod 64] - h[trunc(k/6)-2 mod 64] + h[ -trunc(k/6) mod 64] - h[1-trunc(k/6) mod 64]) ) + abs ( 9 - h[ -k mod 64] - h[k-1 mod 64] + 3*(9- h[ -trunc(k/3) mod 64] - h[ trunc(k/3)-1 mod 64]) + 6*(9- h[ -trunc(k/6) mod 64] - h[ trunc (k/6)-1 mod 64]) );
Cf. A092948.
Sequence in context: A125140 A257345 A110637 * A332503 A196501 A292819
Roger L. Bagula, Apr 19 2004