Numbers n with property that the binary cyclic right-rotating progressive sum of digits (see A091821) is exactly n/2.

%I #1 Jun 12 2004 03:00:00

%S 2,4,10,12,38,42,44,142,150,154,156,166,170,172,178,184,198,204,216,

%T 232,240,542,558,566,570,572,590,598,602,604,614,618,620,632,654,662,

%U 666

%N Numbers n with property that the binary cyclic right-rotating progressive sum of digits (see A091821) is exactly n/2.

%C There are large gaps in this sequence. For any n>=2 the number 2^2n - 2^n + 1 and the following 2^2n + 2^(n+1) - 3 natural numbers will definitely not occur in this sequence.

%Y Cf. A091821.

%K base,easy,nonn

%O 1,1

%A Frank Schwellinger (nummer_eins(AT)web.de), Mar 19 2004