Denominators used to compute the column sequences of triangle A090217.

%I #10 Mar 15 2018 04:19:14

%S 1,5,100,27500,687500,7075062500,3594287401375000,

%T 81456034414253835114625000,35683959264371194185124824344091625000,

%U 140789696830026154896057937831705061406034875000

%N Denominators used to compute the column sequences of triangle A090217.

%C a(n) = lcm(seq(denominator(a(n,m)),m=1..n)) with the a(n,m) formula given in A090435(n,m) but without the D(n) factor in front and lcm denotes the least common multiple of a set of numbers.

%K nonn,easy

%O 1,2

%A _Wolfdieter Lang_, Dec 01 2003