Minimum number of consecutive previous nonnegative integers to n that must be concatenated together in descending order such that n divides the concatenated term, or zero if n divides no such concatenation.

%I #1 Feb 19 2004 03:00:00

%S 1,2,2,2,5,2,0,6,8,10,0,6,0,8,5,4,2,8,3,0,0,10,0,12,0,0,26,16,0,20,0,

%T 20,11,2,20,8,0,0,0,20,40,20,4,32,35,46,38,20,40,0,2,0,0,26,10,20,3,0,

%U 0,20,55,0,0,52,0,32,0,44,17,20,0,36,26,0,50,52,21,38,67,20,0,0,9,20,0,4,59

%N Minimum number of consecutive previous nonnegative integers to n that must be concatenated together in descending order such that n divides the concatenated term, or zero if n divides no such concatenation.

%C Concatenation always begins at n-1 and cannot go further than n-n (zero). Hence the maximum value of a(n) is n.

%e a(8) = 6 because will divide the number formed by concatenating the 6 integers prior to 8 in descending order (i.e. 765432). 8 will not divide any lesser number of previous terms concatenated together beginning with 7 (i.e. 8 will not divide 7, 76, 765, 7654, or 76543). a(7) = 0 because 7 will not divide 6, 65, 654, 6543, 65432, 654321, or 6543210.

%Y Cf. A088798, A088800, A088869, A088871, A088886.

%K base,nonn

%O 1,2

%A Chuck Seggelin (barkeep(AT)plastereddragon.com), Oct 29 2003