a(n) is the smallest m such that m > A037155(n) and n!- m is prime.

%I #7 Mar 30 2012 17:37:41

%S 4,7,11,19,19,37,17,17,17,17,61,43,59,71,61,43,113,71,41,101,191,103,

%T 191,179,71,127,37,97,113,373,71,373,293,157,149,241,167,211,151,89,

%U 131,113,73,107,179,227,173,113,257,239,151,227,163,509,293,347,643,373,457

%N a(n) is the smallest m such that m > A037155(n) and n!- m is prime.

%C a(1) and a(2) are not defined. a(n) is the second m (first m is A037155(n)) such that m > 1 and n!- m is prime.For 3 < n < 643,a(n) is prime. I guess (compare the conjecture about A087202) except for the first term, every term of this sequence is prime.

%F A037155[3]=3; A037155[n_] := (For[m=Prime[PrimePi[n]+1], !PrimeQ[n!-m], m++ ]; m); a[n_] := (For[m=A037155[n]+1, !PrimeQ[n!-m], m++ ]; m)

%t A037155[3]=3; A037155[n_] := (For[m=Prime[PrimePi[n]+1], !PrimeQ[n!-m], m++ ]; m); a[n_] := (For[m=A037155[n]+1, !PrimeQ[n!-m], m++ ]; m); Table[a[n], {n, 3, 62}]

%Y Cf. A037155, A087201, A087202.

%K nonn

%O 3,1

%A _Farideh Firoozbakht_, Sep 01 2003