Integers of the form 2^n*p where p is a prime > 2^n.

%I #2 Mar 30 2012 17:30:55

%S 6,10,14,20,22,26,28,34,38,44,46,52,58,62,68,74,76,82,86,88,92,94,104,

%T 106,116,118,122,124,134,136,142,146,148,152,158,164,166,172,178,184,

%U 188,194,202,206,212,214,218,226,232,236,244,248,254,262,268,272,274

%N Integers of the form 2^n*p where p is a prime > 2^n.

%C Reason for considering sequence: if even numbers are equally distributed mod p>2, then the number of integers of this set up to a certain number would tend to be equal to the number of primes. Therefore it could be useful if we know the primes up to a given number x to estimate the primes to 2x

%e For instance 2*3, 2*5, 2*7, ..., 4*5, 4*7, 4*11, ..., 8*11, 8*13, ..., 16*17, 16*19, ...

%t f[n_] := Table[2^n*Prime[i], {i, PrimePi[2^n] + 1, 35}]; Take[ Sort[ Flatten[ Table[ f[n], {n, 1, 4}]]], 57]

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A Alberto Zelaya (azelaya(AT)xtra.co.nz), Jul 17 2003

%E Edited and extended by _Robert G. Wilson v_, Jul 19 2003