Smallest number expressible as the sum of three 4th powers in at least n ways.

%I #8 Jul 25 2021 01:30:50

%S 1,2673,811538,5978882,137149922,292965218,779888018,5745705602,

%T 49511121842,49511121842,281539574498,281539574498,7865870969138,

%U 7865870969138,7865870969138,7865870969138,47580188090162

%N Smallest number expressible as the sum of three 4th powers in at least n ways.

%C The 4th powers used to sum to the numbers in this sequence include some zero terms. Hardy and Wright prove that the sequence is infinite.

%D G. H. Hardy and E. M. Wright, An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers, 5th Ed (1979) p. 330.

%e 811538 = 29^4 + 17^4 + 12^4 = 28^4 + 21^4 + 7^4 = 27^4 + 23^4 + 4^4.

%Y Cf. A011541, A123075.

%K nonn

%O 1,2

%A Stuart Gascoigne (stuart.g(AT)scoigne.com), Jul 04 2003