Prime(n) concatenated with Reverse(Prime(n)) (a palindrome) is divisible by n.

%I #4 Mar 30 2012 17:40:33

%S 1,7,11,59,146,319,124243,461867,1446247,4846042,16146448,19466227,

%T 57973091,73661929,208574393,681491953,883910281,1058487166,

%U 1066657966,1112633324

%N Prime(n) concatenated with Reverse(Prime(n)) (a palindrome) is divisible by n.

%e 146 is in the sequence since the 146th prime is 839 and 839938 is divisible by 146

%t i=IntegerDigits; c[x_] := FromDigits[Flatten[{i[x], Reverse[i[x]]}]]; Do[If[Mod[c[Prime[n]], n]==0, Print[n]], {n, 10^6}]

%Y Cf. A085017.

%K base,nonn

%O 0,2

%A _Giovanni Resta_, Jun 18 2003