G.f. A(x) defined by: A(x)^11 consists entirely of integer coefficients between 1 and 11 (A084066); A(x) is the unique power series solution with A(0)=1.

%I #6 Jul 26 2018 18:43:12

%S 1,1,-4,26,-189,1479,-12106,102224,-883031,7761209,-69153920,

%T 623018880,-5664270185,51892998965,-478521450110,4437418074830,

%U -41350439060725,386983852716405

%N G.f. A(x) defined by: A(x)^11 consists entirely of integer coefficients between 1 and 11 (A084066); A(x) is the unique power series solution with A(0)=1.

%C Limit a(n)/a(n+1) --> r = -0.100000000011 where A(r)=0.

%t kmax = 20;

%t A[x_] = Sum[a[k] x^k, {k, 0, kmax}];

%t coes = CoefficientList[A[x]^11 + O[x]^(kmax + 1), x];

%t r = {a[0] -> 1, a[1] -> 1};

%t coes = coes /. r;

%t Do[r = Flatten @ Append[r, Reduce[1 <= coes[[k]] <= 11, a[k-1], Integers] // ToRules];

%t coes = coes /. r, {k, 3, kmax + 1}];

%t Table[a[k], {k, 0, kmax}] /. r (* _Jean-François Alcover_, Jul 26 2018 *)

%Y Cf. A084066, A084202-A084210, A084212.

%K sign

%O 0,3

%A _Paul D. Hanna_, May 20 2003