%I #8 Jul 26 2022 02:51:48
%S 0,2,50,14642,1016674610,4489135110542145842,
%T 83940259113354708787282267381662562610,
%U 28755706180189132304920279902696353117047700481289459579932708798287463397682
%N A014486-encoding of "Complete Binary Trees".
%C "Complete" or "full binary tree" refers to a unique binary tree of (2^n)-1 nodes with its 2^(n-1) leaves all on the same height (or depth) n-1 (when the root is at height 0). These are depicted at A073346. This differs from "completely binary tree", with which some authors refer to trees more akin to the trees encoded by A080299.
%H <a href="/index/Ro#RootedTreePlanEncodings">Index entries for encodings of plane rooted trees</a>
%Y a(n) = A014486(A084108(n)). Subset of A083941.
%K nonn
%O 0,2
%A _Antti Karttunen_, May 13 2003