%I #7 May 06 2018 00:43:53
%S 1,1,3,11,13,47,67,213,99,753,861,143,2187,249,193,2957,14553,1557,
%T 2359,8669,1491,1003,12131,583,2643,3857,5631,999,9693,10231,1451,
%U 16861,6321,14567,21649,7563,40983,123,12579,57927,4257,6777,359,3679,1191,10139
%N a(1) = 1; then the smallest number such that both the forward and reverse n-th partial concatenation is a prime for n > 1. (Reverse concatenation is taken term-wise and not digit-wise.)
%e Both 1131113 and 1311311 are primes as a forward and reverse concatenation of the first five terms (1,1,3,11,13).
%Y Cf. A083993, A083994.
%K base,hard,nonn
%O 0,3
%A _Amarnath Murthy_, May 23 2003
%E More terms from _Ray Chandler_, Aug 03 2003