Reminder: The OEIS is hiring a new managing editor, and the application deadline is January 26.
n | a(n) |
1 | 20576 |
2 | 131516852 |
3 | 21902526953 |
4 | 32003537054 |
5 | 42104547155 |
6 | 52205557256 |
7 | 62306567357 |
8 | 72407577458 |
9 | 82508587559 |
10 | 92609597660 |
11 | 102710607761 |
12 | 112811617862 |
13 | 122912627963 |
14 | 133013638064 |
15 | 143114648165 |
16 | 153215658266 |
17 | 163316516683517 |
18 | 17184017517684518 |
19 | 18185018518685519 |
[20576,131516852,21902526953,32003537054, 42104547155,52205557256,62306567357,72407577458, 82508587559,92609597660,102710607761,112811617862, 122912627963,133013638064,143114648165, 153215658266,163316516683517,17184017517684518, 18185018518685519] |