Smallest squares such that partial sums of the sequence plus 17 are primes.

%I #7 Mar 10 2015 12:35:29

%S 36,36,144,36,324,900,144,576,144,36,576,1764,144,144,1296,36,36,2304,

%T 144,324,900,7056,1296,1296,144,36,900,10404,144,144,36,3600,36,576,

%U 900,900,324,36,2304,1764,144,576,144,576,144,36,36,36,144,1764,576

%N Smallest squares such that partial sums of the sequence plus 17 are primes.

%C Members are of the form (6m)^2, m integer (A081450).

%o (PARI) t=17; for(n=2, 100, for(k=1, 10^8, if(isprime(k^2+t), print1(k^2", "); t=t+k^2; break)))

%Y Cf. A081445, A081447.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Ralf Stephan_, Mar 21 2003