Orbit size of each tree A080293(n) under Donaghey's "Map M" Catalan automorphism.

%I #5 Jan 11 2024 09:24:58

%S 1,3,9,9,81,81,81,27,1701,1701,1701,1701,2673,2673,891,891

%N Orbit size of each tree A080293(n) under Donaghey's "Map M" Catalan automorphism.

%C This is the size of the cycle containing A080295(n) in the permutations A057505/A057506.

%F a(n) = A080967(A080295(n))

%Y A080977(n) = A080272(2*n)/a(n). A080302(n) = a(n)/3 for n>0. Cf. A080973/A080975.

%K nonn,more

%O 0,2

%A _Antti Karttunen_, Mar 02 2003