Erroneous version of A358890.

%I #31 Dec 08 2022 07:35:38

%S 3,2,1,8,90,168,9352,46189,2515371,721970,6449639,565062156,

%T 11336460025,37151747513,256994754033

%N Erroneous version of A358890.

%C Name was: "Consider the first occurrence of a run of exactly n successive numbers whose greatest prime factors are monotonically increasing; a(n) is the first of these n numbers."

%C It seems unclear whether the run of n successive numbers mentioned in the name is allowed to be extendable to the left or not. In other words, is a(n) the smallest number m >= 1 in a run of n consecutive numbers (m, m+1, ..., m+n-1), (A) such that gpf(m) < gpf(m+1) < ... < gpf(m+n-1) > gpf(m+n), or (B) such that gpf(m-1) > gpf(m) (or m = 1) and gpf(m) < gpf(m+1) < ... < gpf(m+n-1) > gpf(m+n)? (Here, gpf(k) = A006530(k), the greatest prime factor of k, with the convention gpf(1) = 1.) In both cases, at least one term is incorrect: in case (A), a(9) should be 721971; in case (B), a(1) should be 14 and a(2) should be 4. - _Pontus von Brömssen_, Nov 07 2022

%K dead

%O 1,1