Smallest k such that there are n primes between n and k.

%I #6 Sep 25 2015 17:01:16

%S 3,6,12,14,20,24,32,38,42,44,54,60,68,72,74,80,90,98,104,108,110,114,

%T 132,138,140,150,152,158,168,174,182,192,194,198,200,212,228,230,234,

%U 240,252,258,270,272,278,282,294,308,312,314,318,332,348,350,354,360

%N Smallest k such that there are n primes between n and k.

%t Table[Prime[PrimePi[n]+n]+1,{n,60}] (* _Harvey P. Dale_, Sep 25 2015 *)

%o (PARI) for(n=1,100,s=0:forprime(k=nextprime(n+1),10^8,s=s+1: if(s==n,s=k+1:break)):print1(s","))

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Amarnath Murthy_, Oct 31 2002

%E More terms from _Ralf Stephan_, Mar 26 2003