Erroneous version of A134915.

%I #12 Oct 16 2012 11:01:08

%S 1,2,8,27,86,272,856,2691,8456,26567,83464,262212,823765,2587936,

%T 8130242,25541910,80242278,252088553,791959548,2488014300,7816327449,

%U 24555716893,77144059796,242355211525

%N Erroneous version of A134915.

%C Original definition: Let u(0)=1, u(n) = Pi * floor(u(n-1)), then a(n) = u(n)/Pi.

%C This is equivalent to a(n)=floor(u(n-1))=floor(Pi*a(n-1)), a(1)=1. So it should be A134915(n-1), but the given values do not correspond to that definition, as observed by H. P. Dale and R. Israel. - _M. F. Hasler_, Oct 15 2012

%F For n>1, a(n)=floor(c*Pi^n) where c=0.8912617965328349410297456126867992677088941847...

%Y A115239 is the same sequence without the initial term 1.

%Y A134915 has offset 1, but (should have) the same values according to the definition to this sequence.

%K dead

%O 1,2

%A _Benoit Cloitre_, Nov 25 2002