Like A073327, but multiply the numerical values of the letters instead of adding them.

%I #6 May 01 2013 21:14:44

%S 35100,1050,6900,72000,34020,5940,4104,146300,50400,8820,1400,462000,

%T 3036000,181440000,238140000,2268000,28728000,1024100000,17640000,

%U 61740000,16100000,16905000000,111090000000,1159200000000,547722000000

%N Like A073327, but multiply the numerical values of the letters instead of adding them.

%e Here a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4, etc., a(17) = s*e*v*e*n*t*e*e*n = 19*5*22*5*14*20*5*5*14 = 1024100000.

%e "One" -> 15*14*5 = 1050.

%K nonn,word

%O 1,1

%A Derek McHugh (derek.mchugh(AT)transwareplc.com), Oct 14 2002

%E More terms from _Matthew Goers_, Oct 26 2009, Nov 03 2009

%E Edited by _N. J. A. Sloane_, Nov 12 2009