%I #5 Dec 05 2013 19:55:33
%S 2,2,33,7,13,74,52,83,304,109,115,52,199,438,891,44,40,47,512,2595,
%T 971,195,106,1208,2229,1355,477,290,969,6938,393,48,3110,4111,4290,
%U 2682,3406,1273,3457,3319,4848,1113,922,13530,9047,20368,28315,11673
%N Group the composite numbers so that the sum of the n-th group is a multiple of the n-th prime: (4), (6), (8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22), (24, 25), (26, 27, 28, 30, 32), (33, 34, ...), ... Sequence gives the group sum divided by n-th prime for the n-th group.
%o (PARI) c=3:for(n=1,70,s=0:while((s==0||s%prime(n)>0),c=c+1: if(isprime(c),c=c+1):s=s+c):print1(s/prime(n)","))
%Y Cf. A074124, A074125, A074126.
%K nonn
%O 1,1
%A _Amarnath Murthy_, Aug 27 2002
%E Corrected and extended by _Ralf Stephan_, Mar 22 2003