%I #9 Dec 05 2013 19:55:33
%S 2,6,10,14,33,13,34,152,69,87,31,185,287,43,564,742,295,61,469,923,
%T 1314,474,747,1869,776,1616,1442,1070,2071,3051,2413,1441,1918,2502,
%U 4321,4379,3611,2119,4008,1038,6444,3258,3438,6176,6304,8358,8229,8697
%N Smallest multiple of the n-th prime such that the n-th partial sum is divisible by n.
%H Jayanta Basu, <a href="/A074105/b074105.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..1000</a>
%p for n from 2 to 130 do p := ithprime(n):f := 1:while(((s+f*p) mod n)<>0) do f := f+1:od:a[n] := f*p:s := s+a[n]:od:seq(a[i],i=1..130);
%t s = 0; Table[p = Prime[n]; k = 1; While[! Divisible[s + (x = k*p), n], k++]; s += x; x, {n, 48}] (* _Jayanta Basu_, Aug 01 2013 *)
%K nonn
%O 1,1
%A _Amarnath Murthy_, Aug 22 2002
%E More terms from _Sascha Kurz_, Feb 01 2003