Remainder of division 2^n/c[n], where c[n]=A002808, the n-th composite.

%I #6 Mar 03 2018 12:06:56

%S 2,4,0,7,2,4,2,1,0,16,8,1,8,16,18,16,14,8,8,0,2,30,18,28,14,4,8,16,28,

%T 19,6,16,29,34,8,40,2,14,8,16,14,4,8,4,0,49,62,52,32,4,8,46,17,20,65,

%U 22,32,16,62,64,32,64,41,16,32,64,48,70,48,24,32,22,74,84,8,16,32,52

%N Remainder of division 2^n/c[n], where c[n]=A002808, the n-th composite.

%t Table[Mod[2^j, FixedPoint[j+PrimePi[ # ]+1&, j]], {j, 1, 128}]

%t Module[{c=Select[Range[200],CompositeQ],len},len=Length[c];Table[ PowerMod[ 2,n,c[[n]]],{n,len}]] (* _Harvey P. Dale_, Mar 03 2018 *)

%Y Cf. A000079, A002808, A015910, A062173, A064367, A073797-A073799.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Labos Elemer_, Aug 12 2002