The five's sequence merely counts the letters in the words of the generating sentence.

%I #7 Sep 29 2024 21:09:46

%S 5,3,6,2,3,7,2,3,5,4,2,4,8,5,2,3,6,3,2,3,5,3,2,3,6,5,2,3,5,5,2,3,5,3,

%T 2,3,7,5,2,3,6,4,2,3,5,4,2,3,5,3,2,3,8,4,2,3,7,5,2,3,10,4,2,3,10,3,2,

%U 3,9,5,2,3,9,3,2,3,11,5,2,3,10,3,2,3,10

%N The five's sequence merely counts the letters in the words of the generating sentence.

%D M. J. Halm, Newies, Mpossibilities 64, p. 2 (Mar. 1997)

%H M. J. Halm, <a href="http://michaelhalm.tripod.com/andre_joyce_s_coined_words.htm">neologisms</a>

%F From the generating sentence: "Five's the number of the letters in the first word of this sentence, three in the second, six in the third, two in the fourth, three in the fifth ..." [Corrected to match sequence by _Sean A. Irvine_, Sep 29 2024]

%e a(1) = 5 because the first word, five's, is five letters.

%K easy,nonn,word

%O 1,1

%A _Michael Joseph Halm_, Jul 31 2002

%E a(14) onward corrected by _Sean A. Irvine_, Sep 29 2024