Numbers k such that the period of the 'Reverse and Subtract' trajectory of k is greater than 14.

%I #11 Sep 05 2024 08:09:51

%S 100000114412,100000124422,100000125522,100000126622,100000177959,

%T 100000192292,100000214413,100000215513,100000218813,100000221123,

%U 100000228823,100000248843,100000269963,100000271173,100000302204

%N Numbers k such that the period of the 'Reverse and Subtract' trajectory of k is greater than 14.

%C 'Reverse and Subtract' (cf. A072137) is defined by x -> |x - reverse(x)|.

%C Subsequence of A072144.

%e 100000114412 -> 114410885589 -> 871177128822 -> 642355357644 -> 195601804398 -> 697806302193 -> 306602693397 -> 486793513206 -> 115521884478 and 115521884478 as a term of A072143 is the first term of the periodic part of the trajectory of 100000114412, period is 22.

%Y Cf. A072137, A072140, A072142, A072143, A072144.

%K base,nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Klaus Brockhaus_, Jun 24 2002

%E Offset corrected by _Sean A. Irvine_, Sep 04 2024