Numbers n such that the period length of the 'Reverse and Subtract' trajectory of n is greater than 2.

%I #4 Mar 30 2012 17:27:35

%S 10001145,10001827,10002179,10002289,10002894,10003037,10003268,

%T 10003378,10004412,10004698,10006304,10007624,10007734,10007965,

%U 10008108,10008713,10008823,10009175,10009857,10010022,10010484

%N Numbers n such that the period length of the 'Reverse and Subtract' trajectory of n is greater than 2.

%C 'Reverse and Subtract' (cf. A072137) is defined by x -> |x - reverse(x)|. - Subsequence of A072140.

%e 10001145 -> 44108856 -> 21771288 -> 66446424 -> 23981958 and 23981958 as a term of A072142 is the first term of the periodic part of the trajectory of 10001145, period length is 14.

%Y Cf. A072137, A072140, A072142, A072143, A072145.

%K base,nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Klaus Brockhaus_, Jun 24 2002