Trajectory of 37 under map x -> A002487(x)*A002487(x+1).

%I #7 Nov 04 2013 12:21:57

%S 37,77,170,714,3450,10414,68145,303610,721305,1815066,17782782,

%T 4598150,68178460,133118649,585506070,20663527908,777507763200,

%U 264506067126,73112062114130,5907184479605316,516068243814152148

%N Trajectory of 37 under map x -> A002487(x)*A002487(x+1).

%C All smaller starting values lead into a cycle after a small number of steps; this appears to have an infinite trajectory.

%p # n is starting value, m is length of trajectory to compute

%p f := proc(n,m) local t1,i,j; t1 := [n]; for i from 2 to m do j := t1[i-1]; t1 := [op(t1), A002487(j)*A002487(j+1)]; od: t1; end;

%Y Cf. A002487, A071885, A071886, A071887.

%K nonn

%O 0,1

%A _N. J. A. Sloane_ and _J. H. Conway_, Jun 10 2002