Integers n such that the 'Reverse and Add!' trajectory of n joins the trajectory of 3.

%I #10 Oct 21 2019 02:35:44

%S 3,6,12,15,21,24,30,33,39,42,48,51,57,60,66,69,75,78,84,87,93,96,132,

%T 159,165,177,219,231,258,264,276,318,330,357,363,375,417,429,456,462,

%U 474,516,528,555,561,573,579,615,627,654,660,672,678,699,714,726,753

%N Integers n such that the 'Reverse and Add!' trajectory of n joins the trajectory of 3.

%H <a href="/index/Res#RAA">Index entries for sequences related to Reverse and Add!</a>

%e The trajectory of 6 is part of the trajectory of 3; the trajectory of 375 joins the trajectory of 3 at 9768 after 3 steps.

%t limit = 10^3; x = NestList[ # + IntegerReverse[#] &, 3, limit];

%t Select[Range[753],

%t Intersection[NestList[ # + IntegerReverse[#] &, #, limit],

%t x] != {} &] (* _Robert Price_, Oct 20 2019 *)

%Y Cf. A070788, A070789, A070791 - A070798, A063049.

%K base,nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Klaus Brockhaus_, May 07 2002