Largest n-digit perfect power.

%I #5 Dec 05 2013 19:55:16

%S 9,81,961,9801,99856,998001,9998244,99980001,999950884,9999800001,

%T 99999515529,999998000001,9999995824729,99999980000001,

%U 999999961946176,9999999800000001,99999999989350756,999999998000000001

%N Largest n-digit perfect power.

%C Are there terms which are not perfect squares? In other words, when (if ever) does this differ from A061433.

%C Trivially, 81 is both a square and a fourth power. Assuming my program works, there are no differences in the first 1500 terms. - Hans Havermann, Aug 06 2006

%Y Cf. A061433.

%K nonn,base

%O 1,1

%A _Amarnath Murthy_, Apr 04 2002

%E More terms from _Ryan Propper_, Oct 10 2005