Integers which have at least two different factorizations into coprime parts whose sum are equal.

%I #22 Apr 01 2024 17:23:41

%S 420,546,1260,1365,1950,2310,2730,2964,3990,4095,4218,4284,4290,4420,

%T 4510,4620,5100,5460,5610,6006,6090,6160,6270,6370,6510,6930,7140,

%U 7161,7350,7410,7440,7590,7980,8190,8580,8645,8970,9100,9240,9282,9394,9660,9690,9870

%N Integers which have at least two different factorizations into coprime parts whose sum are equal.

%H Sean A. Irvine, <a href="https://github.com/archmageirvine/joeis/blob/master/src/irvine/oeis/a069/A069064.java">Java program</a> (github)

%e 420 is in the sequence as 5*4*21 = 3*7*20 = 420 and 5+4+21 = 30 = 3+7+20.

%e For 546, it is 546 = 3*7*26 = 2*13*21 and 3+7+26 = 36 = 2+13+21.

%e 2964 is in the sequence as 3*19*52 = 4*13*57 = 2964 and 3+19+52 = 4+13+57 = 74. - _Sean A. Irvine_, Apr 01 2024

%Y Cf. A072940.

%K easy,nonn

%O 1,1

%A Mike Domaratzki (domaratzki(AT)alumni.uwaterloo.ca), Aug 12 2002

%E Missing 2964 and 7161 inserted by _Sean A. Irvine_, Apr 01 2024