n-th prime's factorial raised to n-th prime power.

%I #6 Jun 21 2024 19:43:25

%S 4,216,24883200000,82606411253903523840000000,

%T 409933016554924328182440935903164918932547530146724293451448320000000000000000000000

%N n-th prime's factorial raised to n-th prime power.

%C a(5) through a(10) have this many decimal digits: 84, 128, 248, 325, 516 and 898, respectively.

%F a(n) = (prime(n)!)^prime(n).

%e a(3) = 24883200000 because the 3rd prime is 5 and 5!^5 = 120^5 = 24883200000.

%o (PARI) for(n=1,5,print1(prime(n)!^prime(n),","))

%K easy,nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Rick L. Shepherd_, Mar 24 2002