%I #7 Mar 05 2016 11:46:29
%S 6455,6456,6457,6459,6460,6466
%N Numbers n such that the digits of the n-th prime begin with n.
%C Prime(6466) is 64661, which begins with 6466, so 6466 is a term of the sequence.
%C The next term is greater than 4*10^41. - _Robert Gerbicz_, Sep 05 2002
%t (*returns true if a begins with b, false o.w.*) f[a_, b_] := Module[{c, d, e, g, h, i, r}, r = False; c = ToString[a]; d = ToString[b]; g = StringPosition[c, d]; h = Length[g]; If[h > 0, i = g[[h]]; If[i[[1]] == 1, r = True]]; r]; Do[If[f[Prime[n], n], Print[n]], {n, 1, 10^5} ]
%t Select[Range[7000],Take[IntegerDigits[Prime[#]],IntegerLength[#]] == IntegerDigits[ #]&] (* _Harvey P. Dale_, Mar 05 2016 *)
%K base,more,nonn
%O 1,1
%A _Joseph L. Pe_, Feb 22 2002