%I #11 Nov 22 2020 17:49:05
%S 1,1,1,8,12,135,199,378,600,1836,4897,8198,8993,84887,450287,892157,
%T 5053447,5183243,15350505,19963471,31631271,37655416,2138752269,
%U 4805947342,14508700588,27508373127,28635924075,30814114095,32073629885,961160400603,3607716972786
%N Engel expansion of log(23).
%o (PARI) \\ a(1)=1 and for n>1:
%o s=log(23); for(i=1,30,s=s*ceil(1/s)-1; print1(ceil(1/s),","); );
%Y See A006784 for explanation of Engel expansions. Log(23) is the first number of the form Log(n), n an integer, for which it is not known whether a BBP formula exists.
%Y Cf. A016646.
%K easy,nonn
%O 1,4
%A _Benoit Cloitre_, Mar 03 2002