Primes such that the sum of the squares of its digits is equal to the product of its digits.

%I #7 May 18 2013 16:49:30

%S 11353,13513,15313,15331,31153,31513,31531,33151,35311,51133,53113,

%T 1125221,1212251,1212521,1221251,1252211,1512221,2115221,2122151,

%U 2122511,2151221,2152211,2215211,2221511,2251121,2251211,5122121

%N Primes such that the sum of the squares of its digits is equal to the product of its digits.

%e An eight-digit term is 11224121, a ten-digit term is 1111111843.

%e 11353 belongs to the sequence because 1^2+1^2+3^2+5^2+3^2=45=1*1*3*5*3

%o (PARI) forprime(p=2,6e6, n=p; sd=0; pd=1; while(n>0,d=divrem(n,10); n=d[1]; sd=sd+d[2]*d[2]; pd=pd*d[2]); if(sd==pd,print1(p,",")))

%K easy,nonn,base

%O 1,1

%A _Felice Russo_, Feb 06 2002

%E Edited and extended by _Klaus Brockhaus_ Feb 11 2002