Numerators of convergents to twin prime constant.

%I #6 Dec 11 2021 18:59:37

%S 0,1,1,2,33,68,169,406,981,1387,25947,53281,132509,1510880,1643389,

%T 3154269,7951927,34961977,42913904,721584441,2207667227,5136918895,

%U 22755342807,482999117842,988753578491,400928198406697,802845150391885

%N Numerators of convergents to twin prime constant.

%e Convergents to twin prime constant: 0, 1, 1/2, 2/3, 33/50, 68/103, 169/256, 406/615, 981/1486, 1387/2101, 25947/39304, ...

%Y Cf. A005597 (decimal expansion), A065645 (continued fraction), A065646 (denominators of convergents to twin prime constant), A062270, A062271.

%K frac,nonn

%O 0,4

%A _Vladeta Jovovic_, Nov 08 2001