Numbers n such that n = pi(n)*k + 1 for some k.

%I #6 Sep 01 2018 17:44:49

%S 3,9,11,13,28,34,37,43,121,336,341,351,356,361,1081,1087,1135,3060,

%T 3074,3081,3088,3095,8409,8425,8441,8457,8465,8473,23527,23536,24301,

%U 64541,64581,64591,64601,64611,64651,64661,64691,64701,64711,64721

%N Numbers n such that n = pi(n)*k + 1 for some k.

%C Solutions to Mod[n,PrimePi[n]] = 1, i.e. A065134(n) = 1.

%H Giovanni Resta, <a href="/A065136/b065136.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..1172</a>

%e n=28: Pi(28)=9 and 28=3*Pi(28)+1, so 28 is here; n=27 is present in A057809. A large proportion of A057809(m)+1 numbers (but not all of them) arise in this sequence. Numbers from A057809 arise in clusters [see grouping around 8450, 64650, 480900 etc.]

%Y A000720, A065134, A057809.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Labos Elemer_, Oct 15 2001