Least k such that the sum of terms in period of continued fraction for sqrt(k) is n.

%I #5 Jul 11 2024 10:46:51

%S 2,3,5,8,6,7,12,11,13,35,18,23,21,27,29,19,22,47,44,51,53,96,66,31,52,

%T 59,85,43,73,115,108,71,46,107,61,167,86,171,76,67,129,223,178,131,

%U 158,303,162,287,134,103,205,267,94,359,242,363,109,243,236,439,157,127

%N Least k such that the sum of terms in period of continued fraction for sqrt(k) is n.

%t a = Table[0, {100} ]; Do[ If[ a[[f[n]]] == 0, a[[f[n]]] = n], {n, 101, 1000} ]; a

%Y Cf. A010340.

%K nonn

%O 2,1

%A _Robert G. Wilson v_, Nov 12 2001