%I #19 Feb 17 2025 11:42:36
%S -1,215,480,742,1004,1266,1528,1790,2052,2314,2576,2842,3100,3362,
%T 3624,3890,4148,4414,4672,4938,5196,5462,5720,5990,6244,6510,6768,
%U 7038,7292,7562,7816,8086,8340,8610,8864,9138,9388,9658,9912,10186
%N Dimension of the space of weight n cuspidal newforms for Gamma_1( 85 ).
%H William A. Stein, <a href="http://wstein.org/Tables/dimskg1new.gp">Dimensions of the spaces S_k^{new}(Gamma_1(N))</a>
%H William A. Stein, <a href="http://wstein.org/Tables/">The modular forms database</a>
%H <a href="/index/Rec#order_10">Index entries for linear recurrences with constant coefficients</a>, signature (0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1).
%F From _Colin Barker_, Feb 25 2016: (Start)
%F a(n) = a(n-4) + a(n-6) - a(n-10) for n>13.
%F G.f.: -x^2*(1 -215*x -480*x^2 -742*x^3 -1005*x^4 -1051*x^5 -1049*x^6 -833*x^7 -568*x^8 -306*x^9 -43*x^10 -x^11) / ((1 -x)^2*(1 +x)^2*(1 -x +x^2)*(1 +x^2)*(1 +x +x^2)).
%F (End)
%K sign,changed
%O 2,2
%A _N. J. A. Sloane_, Jul 14 2001